Sample Reports
April 2025 Hotline
- 0020763_Procalcitonin_PCT.pdf
- 0050167_Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody IgG_VZE.pdf
- 0054444_Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody IgG CSF_VZECSF.pdf
- 0060071_Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6A and HHV-6B) by Quantitative PCR_HHV6PCR.pdf
- 0081123_Vitamin B2 Riboflavin_ VITA B2.pdf
- 2011375_Occupation Screen MMRVZV Antibody Assessment Panel IgG_MMRV PAN.pdf
- 2011940_ Human Papillomavirus (HPV) High Risk with 16 and 18 Genotype by PCR ThinPrep_TP HPV1618.pdf
- 3000876_Aspergillus fumigatus Antibody IgG_ASPERF IGG.pdf
- 3001561_Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Extended Panel_HYPEREXT.pdf
- 3002917_Neuronal Nuclear Antibodies Hu Ri Yo TrDNER IgG by Immunoblot Serum_NRNL IB S.pdf
- 3002929_Paraneoplastic Reflexive Panel_PNS PAN2.pdf
- 3003539_Mucopolysaccharidoses Type 4A6 Total Chondroitin and Dermatan Sulfate with NRE Sensi-Pro Quant Urine_MPS 4A6 U.pdf
- 3004517_Paraneoplastic Reflexive Panel CSF_PNSPANCSF.pdf
- 3006201_Autoimmune Encephalopathy Dementia Panel Serum_AIENCDEMS.pdf
- 3006202_Autoimmune Encephalopathy Dementia Panel CSF_AIENCDEMC.pdf
- 3006204_Autoimmune Epilepsy Panel Serum_AIEPS.pdf
- 3006205_Autoimmune Epilepsy Panel CSF_AIEPC.pdf
- 3006210_Autoimmune Pediatric CNS Disorders Serum_AIPEDS.pdf
- 3006211_Autoimmune Pediatric CNS Disorders CSF_AIPEDC.pdf
- 3016817_Celiac Disease Reflexive Cascade Serum_CELIACRFLX.pdf
- 3017653_Alzheimers Disease Markers CSF_ADMRKSCSF.pdf
- 3018617_HIAA Random Urine_HIAA RAND.pdf
- 3018705_Copeptin proAVP Plasma_ COPEP.pdf
- 3018861_VMA Random Urine_VMA RAND.pdf
- 3018862_HVA Random Urine_HVA RAND.pdf
- 3018863_VMA and HVA Random Urine_VH RAND.pdf
- 3018867_Extended Myositis Panel_MYOS EXT2.pdf
- 3018922_PMLRARA Detection by RT-PCR Quantitative_PMLQNT.pdf
- 3018943_HBV Prenatal Triple Panel_HBV TRI PN.pdf
- 3018964_Autoimmune Movement Disorder Panel Serum_AIMDS2.pdf
- 3018965_Autoimmune Neurologic Disease Panel With Rflx Ser_NEURO R5.pdf
- 3018966_Autoimmune Movement Disorder Panel CSF_AIMDC 2.pdf
- 3018967_Autoimmune Neurologic Disease Pan w Rflx CSF_NEURORCSF3.pdf
- 3019008_Lithium Serum Plasma_LITHIUM_SP.pdf
- 3019009_Digoxin Serum or Plasma_DIGOXI_SP.pdf
- 3019010_Theophylline Serum or Plasma_THEOP_SP.pdf
- 3019011_Lidocaine Serum or Plasma_LIDOC_SP.pdf
- 3019017_Phospho-Tau 217 Plasma_PTAU217.pdf
- 3019329_ABPA With Quantitative A Fumigatus IgG_ABPA PAN.pdf
- April_2025_sample_reports.php