Surgical, Cytopathology, Solid Tumor Molecular Oncology, and Autopsy Consultations

Consultation and second opinions are provided in all areas of pathology, including bone and joint pathology, breast pathology, cytopathology, dermatopathology, endocrine pathology, gastrointestinal and hepatic pathology, genitourinary pathology, gynecologic pathology, head and neck pathology, neuropathology, pediatric pathology, pulmonary pathology, renal pathology, and soft tissue pathology.

Required Documentation

For all consultations requested, please include:

  1. a cover letter summarizing the following:
    1. patient’s pertinent clinical and pathologic history, their diagnoses, and any specific questions to be addressed;
    2. contact information (name, phone, email) for the submitting clinical physician in case we need additional history;
    3. contact information for your laboratory, in case we need to request more material;
  2. all pathology report(s); and
  3. all slides for each specimen, including all levels, stained slides and controls from ancillary testing, and as appropriate, blocks or unstained slides.
How to Electronically Order an Anatomic Pathology Consultation
  1. Using ARUP Connect™ or your LIS interface, order test code 2013263.
  2. Provide the required documentation listed above, including reporting on ancillary testing and any other pertinent documents from the patient’s medical record not mentioned.
  3. Securely pack material in padded packaging using either ARUP’s Paraffin Tissue and Extracted Nucleic Acid Transport Kit (preferred) or plastic slide holders. If including a paraffin block, especially in warmer months, include an ice or gel pack to ensure that the blocks do not melt in transit.
  4. Send materials to the below address using your ARUP courier.
How to Manually Order an Anatomic Pathology Consultation
  1. Call 1-800-522-2787 and ask for requisition form #32960.
  2. Once obtained, fully complete the top portion of the form.
  3. On the requisition form, choose the type of consultation requested and list the number of slides and blocks being submitted.
  4. Provide the required documentation listed above, including reporting on ancillary testing and any other pertinent documents from the patient’s medical record not mentioned.
  5. If patient billing is requested, include patient demographic information, including insurance information.
  6. Securely pack material in a padded packaging using either ARUP’s Paraffin Tissue and Extracted Nucleic Acid Transport Kit (preferred) or plastic slide holders. If including a paraffin block, especially in warmer months, include an ice or gel pack to ensure that the blocks do not melt in transit.
  7. Send materials to the below address using your mail carrier (FedEx is preferred). Select 1-2 day shipping.

Note: If you are a patient and are requesting a consultation directly or need any additional assistance, please call our Surgical Pathology office at 801-581-2507.


Send the required documentation and materials to:
Surgical Pathology Department
Huntsman Cancer Institute
2000 Circle of Hope, RM 3100
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Phone: 801-581-2507
Fax: 801-581-7035

Specimen Preparation

Refer to ARUP Consultation Collection Instructions for specimen requirements and use our preferred Paraffin Tissue and Extracted Nucleic Acid Transport Kit for packaging (preferred).

Contact Information

Call 801-581-2507 for any additional questions concerning consultations.

To contact the ARUP account executive in your area, please call Client Services at 1-800-522-2787.

Anatomic Pathology Primary Diagnostic Services

ARUP offers comprehensive primary diagnostic workups on renal, heart, muscle, and nerve biopsies.

NOTE: Primary diagnosis cases are wet tissues that have not yet been made into histologic slides by the originating hospital and have not yet received a pathologic diagnosis. Primary pathologic diagnoses require pathologist medical licensure in the state where the patient underwent the biopsy or resection procedure. Our faculty members have medical licenses from many, but not all, states in the U.S. For further inquiry about ARUP’s ability to accommodate your primary diagnosis requests, please call 801-581-2507 and ask to speak with the manager.

How to Order a Primary Diagnostic Workup

NOTE: Electronic orders are preferable as this provides specimen tracking information to the laboratory.

Using ARUP Connect™ or your LIS interface, order the appropriate test code:

  • Comprehensive Kidney Biopsy Workup – 2013259
  • Comprehensive Heart Biopsy Workup – 3001981
  • Comprehensive Muscle Biopsy Workup – 2013260
  • Comprehensive Nerve Biopsy Workup – 2013261

If a manual order must be placed, follow the below instructions:

  1. Call 1-800-522-2787 and ask for requisition form #32960.
  2. Once obtained, fully complete the top portion of the form.
  3. On the requisition form, choose the type of primary diagnostic workup requested and list the number of specimens being submitted.
  4. Follow collection and transportation instructions below.

NOTE: Questions or concerns can be directed to the Histology Laboratory at 801-583-2787 ext. 3492.

Collection and Transportation