Each year, the ARUP Institute for Clinical and Experimental Pathology® presents at more than 200 conferences, workshops, annual meetings, and symposiums for several national and international organizations. Recent posters and presentations are listed below.

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American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
San Diego, CA, April 5—9, 2025

Smith TL, Peterson LK—Poster
Pascoe J, Smith TL, Wong K-H, Peterson LK, Clardy SL. Shooting in the Dark? A Single-Center Experience of Neural Autoantibody Panel Testing.

Smith TL, Peterson LK—Poster
Hoshina Y, Smith TL, Wong K-H, Peterson LK, Zekeridou A, Aboseif A, Coffey C, Wright MA, Banwell B, Dialino-Felix A, Flavin S, Dill L, Cho HJ, Josep Dalmau J, Titulaer M, Day GS, Clardy SL. The Urgent Need for Evidence Over Anecdote: Equipoise in the ExTINGUISH Clinical Trial in Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis.

Pasadena, CA, March 25—27, 2025

Bennett MS, Hymas WC, Shakir SM—Poster
Bennett MS, Hymas WC, Shakir SM. Validation of the single target Aptima Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae assays for adult and pediatric samples on the Hologic Panther System.

Hymas WC, Fisher MA, Shakir, SM—Presentation
Hymas WC, Fisher MA, Shakir, SM. Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance detection rates in urogenital samples at a National Reference Laboratory.

Pyne MT, Hymas WC, Couturier MR, Bradley BT—Poster
Pyne MT, Hymas WC, Couturier MR, Bradley BT. Validation of a Dual-target H5 Influenza Real-time RT-PCR Assay.

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)
Boston, MA, March 22—27, 2025

Wang CH—Poster
Wang CH, Hale GL. An Investigation of Granulomatous Liver Injury in Immunocompetent and Immunocompromised Patients at a Tertiary Care Center.

Wilcock DM, Zhao J, Anderson E, Coleman JF, Gulbahce HE—Poster
Wilcock DM, Zhao J, Anderson E, Coleman JF, Gulbahce HE. Resolving HER2 Status in Breast Carcinoma Patients with Complete Deletion of Chromosome 17 Centromere (CEP17) in Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) Assays.

Wilcock DM, Jedrzkiewicz J, Beech C, Cleary A, Gulbahce HE—Poster
Wilcock DM, Jedrzkiewicz J, Beech C, Cleary A, Gulbahce HE. Breast Cancers with Discordant HER2 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Positive (Group1) and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Negative (0/1+) Results Following 2018 American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP) Guidelines.

American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG)
Los Angeles, CA, March 18—22, 2025

Reich DR, Lasher R, Semler C, ZoBell S, Rudd MK—Presentation
Reich DR, Lasher R, Semler C, ZoBell S, Rudd MK. Challenged in copy number variant interpretation.

Annual Park City Anatomic Pathology Update
Park City, UT, February 10, 2025

Kikuchi A—Presentation
Kikuchi A. Primary Liver Carcinomas: Challenges, Tools, and Diagnostic Considerations.

New Pathways in Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis
London, United Kingdom, February 7, 2025

George TI—Presentation
George TI. Suspecting Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis: from histopathology to molecular profiling.

We’re Organizing Research on Lysosomal Diseases
San Diego, CA, February 3—7, 2025

Pasquali M, Saffary Y, Ingoglia F, Hobert J—Poster
Pasquali M, Saffary Y, Ingoglia F, Hobert J, Ames E, Fisher R, Maegawa G, Botto L, Longo N. Challenges in the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis type 4A.

Utah Valley University—Physician Assistant Program
Salt Lake City, UT, January 22, 2025

Mathison BA—Presentation
Mathison BA. Introduction to Parasitology.

American Society of Hematology (ASH)
San Diego, CA, December 7—10, 2024

Smock, KJ—Poster
Kanack A, Roberge G, Mauch E, Splinter N, Wool GD, George G, Abou-Ismail MY, Smock KJ, Green DL, Gundabolu K, Coker J, Kohlhagen M, Murray D, Pabmanabhan A. Clonal persistence of Anti-PF4 antibodies in VITT represents an MGTS-like state.

Miles RR—Presentation
Newman H, Uppuluri L, Shraim R, Allen CE, Davis KL, Devidas M, Diorio C, Dunsmore KP, Elhachimi A, Frank D, Gore L, Gross T, Hayashi RJ, Horton TM, Hughes A, Hunger SP, Kim J, Li Y, Lim SS, Loh ML, Mullighan CG, Olshen AB, Pölönen P, Rau RE, Shi G, Tan K, Vincent T, Winter SS, Wistinghausen B, Wood BL, Xu J, Yang JJ, Miles RR, Hermiston ML, Teachey DT. Genomic biomarkers of poor outcome in patients with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.

Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society
San Diego, CA, December 4—5, 2024

Smock, KJ—Presentation
Smock KJ. Pre-analytical variables in coagulation testing.

Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP)
Vancouver, Canada, November 19—23, 2024

Goold EA, Ferguson D, Reading NS, Fredrickson E, Hunt L, Li P—Poster
Goold EA, Ferguson D, Reading SN, Fredrickson E, Hunt L, Stubben C, Li P. Lessons Learned in CNS DNA methylation profiling: a pilot study conducted at a national reference lab.

Mallory MA, Hymas WC, Simmon KE, Henrie KJ, Lloyd JS, Rawal M, Hanson KE, Hillyard DR, Bradley BT—Presentation
Mallory MA, Hymas WC, Simmon KE, Henrie KJ, Lloyd JS, Rawal M, Hanson KE, Hillyard DR, Bradley BT. Predicting Cytomegalovirus viral load from next-generation sequencing data: a machine learning approach.

Haas AL, Couturier, MR—Poster
Haas AL, Couturier, MR. Prospective comparison of the BioFire® Global Fever Panel to laboratory-developed PCR for diagnosis of suspected malaria patients.

Tardif KD, Pyne MT, Hymas WC, Hillyard DR—Poster
Tardif KD, Pyne MT, Hymas WC, Scarr N, McKenzie M, Hillyard DR. Validation of Hepatitis D virus testing on the Roche cobas 5800 system.

Mallory MA, Hymas WC, Simmon KE, Henrie KJ, Lloyd JS, Rawal M, Hanson KE, Hillyard DR, Bradley BT—Poster
Mallory MA, Hymas WC, Simmon KE, Henrie KJ, Lloyd JS, Rawal M, Hanson KE, Hillyard DR, Bradley BT. Predicting Cytomegalovirus viral load from next-generation sequencing data: a machine learning approach.

Illinois Society for Microbiology Fall Meeting
Oak Brook, IL, November 8, 2024

Mathison BA—Presentation
Mathison BA. Case studies in Zoonotic Parasitic Diseases.

American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)
Denver, CO, November 5—9, 2024

Rudd K, Zhao J, Lewis ZK, Hong B, Andersen E—Poster
Rudd K, Zhao J, Lewis ZK, Hong B, Andersen E. Downgrading partial duplications of Haploinsufficient genes from VUS to likely benign.

O’Shea JM, Rudd MK, Andersen EF, Hong B—Poster
O’Shea JM, Rudd MK, Andersen EF, Hong B. How to gain a sex chromosome: Monosomy X to the rescue.

Pizzo L, Lewis T, Bolia A, Krueger C, O’Fallon B, Kellogg A, Fredrickson E, Andersen EF, Best DH—Poster
Pizzo L, Lewis T, Bolia A, Krueger C, O’Fallon B, Kellogg A, Fredrickson E, Andersen EF, Best DH. Integrating algorithms to optimize clinical identification of structural variation using whole-genome sequencing.

Reich DP, ZoBell S, Lewis ZK, Andersen EF, Rudd MK—Poster
Reich DP, ZoBell S, Lewis ZK, Andersen EF, Rudd MK. Autosomal recessive variant reporting in clinical CMA, a three-year retrospective analysis.

Pathology Visions
Orlando, FL, November 3, 2024

English P, Morrison M, Enrico, E, Shean R, Knight K, O'Fallon B, Rupp D, Rangel A, Gilivary J, Vance A, Hatch H, Mathison B, Lin L, Ng D, Shakir S—Poster
English P, Morrison M, Enrico, E, Shean R, Knight K, O'Fallon B, Rupp D, Rangel A, Gilivary J, Vance A, Hatch H, Mathison B, Lin L, Ng D, Shakir S. Automated detection of acid-fast bacilli in Kinyoun-stained digital slide images.

American Thyroid Association
Chicago, IL, October 30—November 3, 2024

Nelson HA, Doyle K, Straseski JA—Presentation
Nelson HA, Doyle K, Barbour LA, Straseski JA. Discordance of TSI and TRAb assays used in pregnancy to predict risk of fetal and newborn Graves’ Disease.

College of American Pathologists (CAP)
Las Vegas, NV, October 19—22, 2024

Ornstead M, Albertson D, Mahlow J—Poster
Ornstead M, Sirohi D, Albertson D, Greenberg SE, Mahlow J. Succinate Dehydrogenase B immunohistochemical staining is variable and frequently partially retained in tumors with known succinate dehydrogenase mutations: a review of SDH-B IHC on 57 cases with known SDHx mutations.

Spies NC—Poster
Perkins GA, Spies NC. Improving the performance of large language models on microbiology question-answering using retrieval augmented generation.

ASCP Virginia Chapter Mike Korbe Educational Seminar
Virginia Beach, VA, October 16, 2024

Mathison BA—Presentation
Mathison BA. Case studies in Zoonotic Helminths.

Mathison BA—Presentation
Mathison BA. AI for the detection of intestinal parasites.

Quantitative Health Sciences (QHS) Meeting, Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN, October 15, 2024

Kushnir MM—Poster
Liang Z, Wu Y, Kushnir MM, Yang YK. Glycosylation profiling of targeted circulating proteins in liver disease patients by Intact Protein Mass Spectrometry.

Clinical Virology Symposium (CVS)
Long Beach, CA, October 7—10, 2024

Stark D, Jorgensen S, Slev P—Poster
Stark D, Jorgensen S, Slev P. False positive Hepatitis B surface antigen results due to Heterophile interference.

International Clinical Cytometry Society (ICCS)
Seattle, WA, October 4—8, 2024

Ravkov EV, Ventura MF, Gudipaty S, Lin L—Poster
Ravkov EV, Ventura MF, Gudipaty S, Lin L. B Cell subset clinical assay transfer from 3 to 2 tubes format.

Davis PM, Jacobsen JR, Ng DP—Poster
Davis PM, Jacobsen JR, Chang Q, Deng J, Ng DP. A 37-marker spectral flow cytometric triage panel for the efficient diagnosis of lymphoid neoplasms in blood, bone marrow, tissues, and fluids.

Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition (LMCE)
Seoul, South Korea, September 25—27, 2024

Doyle K—Presentation
Doyle K. Exploring data analytics through case studies in indirect reference interval applications.

European Association of Hematopathology—Society of Hematopathology
Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 22, 2024

George TI—Presentation
George TI. Histopathologic findings of patients treated with avapritinib for systemic mastocytosis.

National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)
Denver, CO, September 19—23, 2024

Schmitt J, Bennett P—Presentation
Schmitt J, Marsden L, Murie B, Bennett P. A pediatric series of sudden death and congenital coronary artery anomalies.

Schmitt J—Poster
Schmitt J, Haycocks N. BASE jumping deaths in Utah: A 12-year retrospective study.

Schmitt J—Poster
Haycocks N, Schmitt J, Staley M. Pediatric suicides in Utah: A 10-year retrospective study.

European Competency Network on Mastocytosis
Berlin, Germany, September 12, 2024

George TI—Presentation
George TI. Histopathologic response and progression in patients treated with avapritinib for Advanced and non-Advanced systemic mastocytosis.

American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
Chicago, IL, September 3—6, 2024

Peterson LK—Presentation
Peterson LK, Mills J. Optimizing the utility of neural autoantibody testing.

Moser KA—Presentation
Moser KA. Rapid review series--Coagulation.

Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC)
Virtual, August 27, 2024

Daneshbod Y—Presentation
Daneshbod Y. Atypical EGFR Mutations and Drug Sensitivity.

Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI)
Nashville, TN, August 16—19, 2024

Dadelahi AS, Walker BS, Banerjee B, Saadalla A, Nandakumar V—Poster
Dadelahi AS, Walker BS, Banerjee B, Mahler M, Saadalla A, Nandakumar V. Is the 99th percentile cut-off still relevant? A single-center assessment of different thresholds for diagnosing Antiphospholipid Syndrome.

Profaizer T, Saadalla A—Poster
Profaizer T, Saadalla A, Nandakumar V. Validation of an ELISA technique for soluble C5b-9 (sC5b-9) quantification in plasma.

Luong K, Smith TL, and Peterson LK—Poster
Luong K, Smith TL, and Peterson LK. Ha, Ks, and Zo antibody-positive patients in an unselected cohort: a preliminary study of frequency, demographics, and characteristics.

2024 Parasitology Workshop
Rochester, MN, August 16, 2024

Mathison BA—Presentation
Pritt BS, Mathison BA. 2024 Parasitology Workshop.