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Qinwen Mao, MD, PhD
Subspecialty Director: Neuropathology
Subspecialties: Neuropathology
Professor, University of Utah School of Medicine Specialties Education Medical Degree—Fourth Military Medical University, China Master of Science—Histology, Fourth Military Medical University, China Doctorate—Physiology, Fourth Military Medical University, China Residency—Anatomic Pathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Clinical Fellow—Neuropathology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Certification/Affiliations Diplomate of the American Board of Pathology: Anatomic Pathology and Neuropathology Research Interests Pathogenesis and management of Alzheimer’s disease; frontotemporal lobar degeneration Chronic traumatic encephalopathy Biomarker development for dementia Awards Woman and Diversity Award, American Association of Neuropathologists Annual Meeting (mentor), 2020 Hirano Award for the Best Paper on Neurodegenerative Diseases, American Association of Neuropathologists Annual Meeting (mentor), 2020 Travel Award, American Association of Neuropathologists Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky (mentor), 2018 Eisenberg Scholar, Northwestern University, 2018 Outstanding Teacher, Science in Medicine Lecture, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 2014-2020 Travel Award, American Association of Neuropathologists Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 2008 A.D. Sobel–American Society for Investigative Pathology Education Fund Scholar for Outstanding Research in Experimental Pathology, 2008 Presidential Symposium & Presentation of the Top Abstracts, the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2004 Recent Publications Robinson LJ, Goold E, Cannon DM, et al. A rare case of an adult primary intracranial sarcoma associated with a DICER1 mutation . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2024;83(5):365-369. Wang J, Zhao X, Wang Q, et al. FAM76B regulates PI3K/Akt/NF-κB-mediated M1 macrophage polarization by influencing the stability of PIK3CD mRNA . Cell Mol Life Sci . 2024;81(1):107. Kawles A, Keszycki R, Minogue G, et al. Phenotypically concordant distribution of pick bodies in aphasic versus behavioral dementias . Acta Neuropathol Commun . 2024;12(1):31. Robinson LJ, Ferguson D, Walker C, et al. A rare case of fibromuscular dysplasia involving the cervicocephalic arterial tree highlighting the neuropathological findings . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2024;83(3):209-213. Ravindra VM, Robinson L, Jensen H, et al. Morphological and ultrastructural investigation of the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane: Comparing children with Chiari malformation type I and controls . PLoS One . 2024;19(1):e0296260. Robinson LJ, Goold E, Potter S, et al. A pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma highlighting the morphological heterogeneity of this uncommon tumor . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2023;83(1):61-64. Scholz SW, Moroz BE, Saez-Atienzar S, et al. Association of cardiovascular disease management drugs with Lewy body dementia: a case-control study . Brain Commun . 2023;6(1):fcad346. Zhu J, Yang J, Wen H, et al. Expression and functional analysis of fam76b in zebrafish . Fish Shellfish Immunol . 2023;142L109161. Robinson LJ, Sudarshan D, Goold E, et al. A novel, pathogenic COL4A1 missense variant involving thrombotic microangiopathic leukoencephalopathy in a neonate . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2023;82(10):880-883. Minogue G, Kawles A, Zouridakis A, et al. Distinct patterns of hippocampal pathology in Alzheimer's disease with TDP-43 . Ann Neurol . 2023;94(6):1036-1047. Zhang W, Xiao D, Mao Q, et al. Role of neuroinflammation in neurodegeneration development . Signal Transduct Target Ther . 2023;8(1):267. Galbraith K, Vasudevaraja V, Serrano J, et al. Clinical utility of whole-genome DNA methylation profiling as a primary molecular diagnostic assay for central nervous system tumors-A prospective study and guidelines for clinical testing . Neurooncol Adv . 2023;5(1):vdad076. Kaivola K, Chia R, Ding J, et al. Genome-wide structural variant analysis identifies risk loci for non-Alzheimer's dementias . Cell Genom . 2023;3(6):100316. Huang QQ, Hang Y, Doyle R, et al. Mechanisms regulating the loss of Tregs in HUPO mice that develop spontaneous inflammatory arthritis . iScience . 2023;26(5):106734. Wang J, Gao H, Xie Y, et al. Lycium barbarum polysaccharide alleviates dextran sodium sulfate-induced inflammatory bowel disease by regulating M1/M2 macrophage polarization via the STAT1 and STAT6 pathways . Front Pharmacol . 2023;14:1044576. Nelson PT, Lee EB, Cykowski MD, et al. LATE-NC staging in routine neuropathologic diagnosis: an update . Acta Neuropathol . 2023;145(2):159-173. Multz RA, Spencer C, Matos A, et al. What every neuropathologist needs to know: condensed protocol work-up for clinical dementia syndromes . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2023;82(2):103-109. Lilek J, Ajroud K, Feldman AZ, et al. Accumulation of pTau231 at the postsynaptic density in early Alzheimer's disease . J Alzheimers Dis . 2023;92(1):241-260. Wu D, Wang J, Chang Y, et al. Rutaecarpin reduces lipids by DGKθ-dependent activation of PPARα . Obesity (Silver Spring) . 2022;30(12):2424-2439. Zhang D, Yong W, Movassaghi M, et al. Whole exome sequencing identifies PHF14 mutations in neurocytoma and predicts responsivity to the PDGFR inhibitor sunitinib . Biomedicines . 2022;10(11):2842. Nassif C, Kawles A, Ayala I, et al. Integrity of neuronal size in the entorhinal cortex is a biologic substrate of exceptional cognitive aging . J Neurosci . 2022;42(45):8587-8594. McKenzie AT, Marx GA, Koenigsberg D, et al. Interpretable deep learning of myelin histopathology in age-related cognitive impairment . Acta Neuropathol Commun . 2022;10(1):131. Farrell K, Iida MA, Cherry JD, et al. Differential vulnerability of hippocampal subfields in primary age-related tauopathy and chronic traumatic encephalopathy . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2022;81(10):781-789. Zheng X, Mi T, Wang R, et al. Progranulin deficiency promotes persistent neuroinflammation and causes regional pathology in the hippocampus following traumatic brain injury . Glia . 2022;70(7):1317-1336. Stanley NE, Robinson LJ, Mao Q. A novel, heterozygous BSCL2 variant in association with early-onset epileptic encephalopathy . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2022;81:377-380. Sukumaran M, Mao Q, Cantrell DR. Holohemispheric prostate carcinoma dural metastasis mimicking subdural hematoma: case report and review of the literature . J Neurol Surg Rep . 2022;83(1):e23-e28. Muhammad N, Wang R, Li W, et al. A novel TanCAR targeting IL13Rα2 and EphA2 for enhanced glioblastoma therapy . Mol Ther Oncolytics . 2022;24:729-741. Farrell K, Kim S, Han N, et al. Genome-wide association study and functional validation implicates JADE1 in tauopathy . Acta Neuropathol . 2022;143(1):33-53. Kaivola K, Shah Z, Chia R, et al. Genetic evaluation of dementia with Lewy bodies implicates distinct disease subgroups . Brain . 2022;145(5):1757-1762. Kawles A, Nishihira Y, Feldman A, et al. Cortical and subcortical pathological burden and neuronal loss in an autopsy series of FTLD-TDP-type C . Brain . 2022;145(3):1069-1078. Zhang J, Chen H, Chen C, et al. Systemic administration of mesenchymal stem cells loaded with a novel oncolytic adenovirus carrying IL-24/endostatin enhances glioma therapy . Cancer Lett . 2021;509:26-38. Gefen T, Kawles A, Makowski-Woidan B, et al. Paucity of entorhinal cortex pathology of the Alzheimer's type in SuperAgers with superior memory performance . Cereb Cortex . 2021;31(7):3177-3183. Chia R, Sabir MS, Bandres-Ciga S, et al. Genome sequencing analysis identifies new loci associated with Lewy body dementia and provides insights into its genetic architecture . Nat Genet . 2021;53(3):294-303. Dewan R, Chia R, Ding J, et al. Pathogenic huntingtin repeat expansions in patients with frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis . Neuron . 2021;109(3):448-460.e4. Walker JM, Richardson TE, Farrell K, et al. Early selective vulnerability of the CA2 hippocampal subfield in primary age-related tauopathy . J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2021;80(2):102-111. Huang QQ, Doyle R, Chen SY, et al. Critical role of synovial tissue-resident macrophage niche in joint homeostasis and suppression of chronic inflammation. Sci Adv . 2021;7(2):eabd0515. Gefen T, Mao Q, Kohler M, et al. Primary progressive aphasia has a unique signature distinct from dementia of the alzheimer's type and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia regardless of pathology. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2020;79(12):1379-1381. Kam KL, Appin CL, Mao Q,et al. is next-generation sequencing alone sufficient to reliably diagnose gliomas? J Neuropathol Exp Neurol . 2020;79(7):763-766. Du C, Wu Y, Ju Y, et al. The luciferase reporter system of the MMP12 endogenous promoter for investigating transcriptional regulation of the human MMP12 gene. Elec J Biotech. 2020;43:55-61.