ARUP Consult®, a free source of laboratory testing information for clinicians, released several new and updated resources in July.
ARUP Consult®, a free source of expert guidance in laboratory testing, has released new and updated resources on testing for Lyme disease, diagnosing pneumonia, and evaluating infertility.
These and other offerings, which summarize current clinical practice guidelines, testing strategies, and relevant technical details, are updated regularly and tailored to clinicians to help them choose the right test at the right time.
Read on for more information about these recent changes. Subscribe to the ARUP Consult monthly newsletter to have updates and highlights like these delivered directly to your inbox.
Evaluation of Infertility

A concurrent analysis of both reproductive partners to evaluate infertility may include laboratory testing, a targeted history and physical examination, imaging, and other procedures. The rewritten Evaluation of Infertility topic and new Infertility Testing algorithms for the Female Reproductive Partner and the Male Reproductive Partner describe strategies for evaluating infertility.
Borrelia burgdorferi Antibodies With Reflex to ELISA

Although Lyme disease often can be diagnosed based on clinical presentation, the CDC recommends serologic testing for patients with specific neurologic symptoms. Refer to the Borrelia burgdorferi Antibodies With Reflex to ELISA Test Fact Sheet to learn about ARUP’s new modified two-tier test for Lyme disease.
Pneumonia Panel by PCR

Pneumonia can be caused by a variety of bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens, and rapid diagnosis in severely ill patients is critical to achieving positive patient outcomes. For more information about ARUP’s new multiplex pneumonia panel, refer to the Pneumonia Panel by PCR Test Fact Sheet.
Other Noteworthy Updates
Don’t forget to check out these other resources, now live on ARUP Consult:
Test Fact Sheets
Autoimmune CNS Demyelinating Disease Reflexive Panel
Autoimmune Encephalitis Extended Panel, Serum, and Autoimmune Encephalitis Reflex Panel, CSF
Autoimmune Neuromuscular Junction Reflexive Panel
Paraneoplastic Reflexive Panel, Serum and CSF
Keeping Pace With What’s Next

August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Month. Characterized by progressive muscle weakness due to degeneration of the lower motor neurons, SMA is the most common lethal genetic disease in children. Refer to the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Test Fact Sheet for more information on ARUP’s genetic testing and carrier screening options for SMA.
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Lisa Carricaburu,