
Bryan Stromberg stumbled into labwork while preparing to study medicine. Labwork fascinated him, so he stayed. He is a technical supervisor in ARUP’s Autoimmune  Immunology I Lab, pictured here with colleague Kathryn Olson, technical supervisor in the Microbial Immunology I Lab.


Metagenomics test identified pathogens missed by conventional lab tests in 44 percent of immunocompromised children treated for respiratory infection


“We do a high volume of peanut component testing and are one of the few laboratories to offer this,” says Medical Director Patricia Slev. “There is a high demand because peanuts are one of the most common allergies tested for and one of the most severe types of allergies, so it’s important to know…


Dr. Robert Schlaberg co-developed Taxonomer, a new kind of pathogen identification tool driven by sophisticated genomic analysis and advanced computational methodologies. This web-based technology quickly and accurately reveals all pathogens in a patient sample.


“She told God, “If you get me walking, I’ll never lie down again,’” recalls Gina Anderson of her grandmother, Callie Cooling, whose battle with tuberculosis (TB) of the spine in the 1930s sparked a determination to make the most of her life.


When Dr. Harry Hill learned that his patient had relatives with similar symptoms, he saw an opportunity to define her condition. Hill is a medical director at ARUP Laboratories, a nonprofit reference laboratory of the University of Utah and its Department of Pathology, where he is a professor of…


Chipotle is in the midst of a restaurant’s nightmare, as it contends with the consequences of three major foodborne outbreaks this past year involving the pathogens Salmonella, E. coli, and norovirus.

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