
By avoiding unnecessary testing, patients and healthcare organizations can save money while still providing quality patient care.


Laboratory testing is the highest-volume medical activity, so reducing unnecessary testing has an impact on the outcomes and efficiency of a patient’s care.


A recent study showed that an estimated 30% of all laboratory tests run across the healthcare continuum were unnecessary. That means roughly 2.1 billion unnecessary lab tests are performed each year.


Doctors need easy access to testing guidance, nudges toward evidence-based testing, and professional feedback when they deviate from recommended patterns.


ARUP provides an extensive menu of toxicology testing, encompassing pain management, illicit drugs, neonatal drug testing, and therapeutic drug monitoring.


Brian Jackson, MD, MS, uses theories to explore what “nudges” physicians toward choices that promote better test utilization without usurping their sense of autonomy.


A recent quality improvement project conducted at the University of Utah Medical Center (published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine) shows how to cut down on unnecessary laboratory tests.

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