
ARUP's Family Health Clinic helps employees make preventive and primary-care services more accessible.


A psychologist, Kay Redfield Jamison, PhD, addressed the issues of mental illness and well-being among medical students and doctors as suicide rates climb and burnout and depression interrupt careers.


Louise Aronson, MD, MFA, proposed that the focus in medicine needs to shift from a science-centered one to a care-centered one—a concept that has endured since the time of Hippocrates.


Stressing inclusivity, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian, told a healthcare audience that we can all be leaders and learn leadership qualities from past presidents.


ARUP had a new booth at this year’s AACC, which towered some 16 feet high, encompassing 400 sq. ft. and proudly displaying a 16 ½ ft. interactive screen.


In videos, ARUP medical directors share more about the role a large academic-medical reference laboratory plays in propelling personalized medicine.


Diagnostic testing isn’t the only service ARUP provides worldwide; it has built a growing educational resource, specifically designed for students in the medical laboratory sciences.


Last week, a group representing Aga Khan University and Hospital in Pakistan visited ARUP Laboratories as part of their two-day visit at the University of Utah.


Every month, the ARUP Wellness team presents health-based topics to support employees in their efforts to take care of themselves.


While recently touring Salt Lake City-based ARUP Laboratories, Utah Congressman Chris Stewart witnessed one of the country’s largest national reference laboratories in action.

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