My Life Was Disappearing Before My Eyes
The fatigue lingered after Chris caught strep throat. It was the beginning of a downward spiral into a diagnostic odyssey including hundreds of tests and eight specialists. After 18 maddening and painful months a little luck and the right diagnostic test would restore his life.

It’s Not Easy Being a Hospital Laboratory—We Get It!
We understand the challenges hospital laboratories face because we’ve faced them. Hospital labs are a unique entity within the hospital. Often, they are hidden. Often, they’re the fall guy when something goes awry. Yet in-hospital laboratories are indispensable to patient care.

How Lab and Pharmacy Collaborations Are Changing the Healthcare Landscape
As pharmacies and laboratories work together more often, it will be easier for administrators to see that in addition to improving patient care, collaboration saves the health system money and time. Lab and pharmacy need to work together and not be siloed.
What the C-Suite Doesn’t Know: The Effects of the Lab on Downstream Costs

Poor quality can sink a ship. Beware of the iceberg effect, in which only a small portion of the costs of poor quality is visible, while much larger costs remain invisible below the surface.Poor quality can sink a ship. Beware of the iceberg effect, in which only a small portion of the costs of poor quality is visible, while much larger costs remain invisible below the surface.
How Clients Found Solutions Fast: Five Different Scenarios

As our clients and other healthcare professionals struggle with current healthcare industry issues (e.g., emergency response, cost containment, etc.), they teach us the best ways to serve their needs. These stories demonstrate just a handful of ways that ARUP has been privileged to help clinicians as they navigate the system to care for their patients.
When Ethics Is the Business Strategy

ARUP Leads a growing number of companies that are building their strategies around core values. In healthcare, we take our altruistic motives for granted. “First, do no harm” is our mantra. We put the patient first. Yet even the most committed and selfless among us recognizes some naiveté in that assumption. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. In fact, it can’t be that way if the goal is success for the long term
Why Are Some Hospitals Moving Toward Universal Cord Collection?

Just 8 inches of a newborn’s umbilical cord provides ample tissue to test whether the infant was exposed to drugs in utero. Because drug residue is deposited consistently along the length of the cord, the Wharton jelly inside the cord can be tested at national reference laboratories such as ARUP.

Also in this Issue
ARUP Is One of the Best Companies to Work For
(Utah Business Magazine)
People Proud—ARUP Awards and Recognitions
Previous Versions
Magnify Magazine
Winter 2016—Summer 2018
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