
ARUP experts are to give six talks and poster presentations at the flagship annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) in Washington, D.C.


ARUP Healthcare Advisory Services experts will hold a PLUGS presummit workshop on building successful lab stewardship programs, which can help manage costs and optimize value-based patient care.


Society's growing and changing understanding of how race, ethnicity, or ancestry (REA) is experienced and interpreted is prompting many clinical labs to reexamine practices related to REA data.


A lot has changed in laboratory medicine during the last 100 years. To celebrate Lab Week 2022, here are five resources that examine the past, present, and future of medical laboratory science.


Not long ago, Brysen Bocchino was a college student working the bench at ARUP Laboratories with an eye on a career in mental health.


ARUP President and Chief Medical Officer Tracy George, MD, has a message for women building STEM careers: Believe in yourself.


Nearly 150 Native American middle-school children recently visited ARUP as part of an American Indian Services PREP Program that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.


ARUP has launched an enhanced MLS Faculty & Student Resource Center that provides free online materials to supplement and enrich medical laboratory science (MLS) students’ academic experience.


ARUP’s webinar, The Lab Must Go On, presented by ARUP COO Jonathan Genzen, MD, PhD, highlights several laboratory management strategies that ARUP leaders have identified as effective during a crisis.


In 2020, medical professionals visited the ARUP Institute for Learning (IFL) education website in record number to complete their continuing education (CE).

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