
ARUP experts say that the VALID Act, which would require FDA approval of all lab-developed tests, would add administrative and financial burdens to an already safe and effective validation process.


ARUP experts are to give six talks and poster presentations at the flagship annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) in Washington, D.C.


Two members of the ARUP Healthcare Advisory Services team have built the basis for an open access database that could change the way researchers perform meta-analyses.


Society's growing and changing understanding of how race, ethnicity, or ancestry (REA) is experienced and interpreted is prompting many clinical labs to reexamine practices related to REA data.


ARUP was among a few blood centers that contributed COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) to a national clinical trial that found a >50% reduction in risk of hospitalization with early CCP treatment.


ARUP President and Chief Medical Officer Tracy George, MD, wants to establish a multidisciplinary, multinational network of centers focused on mast cell diagnosis, therapy, and education.


Researchers at ARUP Laboratories made significant contributions to the advancement of laboratory medicine in 2021 as coauthors of more than 150 peer-reviewed articles.


Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, when the highly contagious Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 has infected millions in the United States alone, most of us have some immunity against the virus.


ARUP Transfusion Medicine has partnered with machine-learning experts at the U of U to develop and validate a method that can predict the need for transfusion during cardiothoracic surgery.


PacBio and ARUP Laboratories announced they are collaborating on a study intended to evaluate whether the solve rate for rare disease cases can be increased.

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