ARUP Connect

ARUP Connect is a secure online resource that helps clients manage their referral testing.

Through ARUP Connect you can:

  • order tests, track current order status, add on additional tests, and view test results.
  • resolve sendout issues without needing a phone call.
  • review pricing, make payments, and receive billing information.
  • create detailed packing lists.
  • transmit patient data required by public health agencies.
  • generate detailed reports.
  • order supplies.

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ARUP Laboratory Test Directory

ARUP Laboratory Test Directory

ARUP's Laboratory Test Directory contains complete, up-to-date test information, including methodology and reporting times, collection and transportation specifications, reference intervals, test notes, and CPT codes. Clients can access entries via an A to Z index and search by test name, key word, test number, or mnemonic.

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Business Reports
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Business Reports

Business Reports are comprehensive documents that allow lab and business managers to regularly track flow of functions within their healthcare system, related to ARUP laboratory testing. These client-facing reports can be set up to automatically run on a scheduled timeframe or created instantly on-demand, manually, for key areas of our clients' business.



The eExcept® Web Application is free of cost and allows online access to view and correspond to testing exceptions, recalls, or other sample issues. Exception responses and historical data are managed at your convenience and all exceptions are funneled through a single portal where you can access them at anytime.

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ARUP Invoice

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eInvoice provides a secure, online location for clients to view, download, and print current and past invoices. Key benefits include filtering invoices, making payments via 3rd-party service, and reviewing up to a year’s worth of bills.

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ARUP Order Entry

ARUP's online Order Entry, part of our Order Management solution, offers hospital clients the tools and test information that help improve the efficiency, accuracy, and simplicity of ordering lab tests via a secure Internet connection. The application is conveniently located within our client portal ARUP Connect. This training shows you how to use the application and reviews some of its key capabilities and benefits.

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ARUP Order Status and Results

ARUP’s online charting application called Order Status and Results is part of our Order Management solution. The application allows hospital clients to view, print, and download test results and view the status of pending orders. Order Status and Results is conveniently located under the Order Management tab within our client portal Connect. In this training, we’ll show you how to use the application and review some of its key capabilities and benefits.

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Connect Pricing

Connect Pricing

Connect Pricing allows you to:

  • Access client-specific pricing within ARUP Connect.
  • Find pricing for primary testing and associated reflex testing, including final price range depending on scope of work performed.
  • Search for price by test name, ARUP test number or mnemonic.
  • Directly access ARUP’s test directory for access to comprehensive testing information.
  • Access to ARUP Consult for point-of-care diagnostic and interpretive information.

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