February 22, 2016

A recent quality improvement project conducted at the University of Utah Medical Center (published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine) shows how to cut down on unnecessary laboratory tests.

February 9, 2016

Adverse drug reactions cause more than 700,000 ER visits each year, with some 120,000 patients needing to be hospitalized for further treatment, according to the CDC.

February 4, 2016

Gateway provides a centralized online location that allows clients to access all their tests, making it easier for clinicians, phlebotomists, and lab personnel to find the information they need.

February 1, 2016

ARUP’s Decision Support Team spent more than a year redesigning Consult, a laboratory testing reference tool, making it easier to navigate and use regardle

January 26, 2016

Chipotle is in the midst of a restaurant’s nightmare, as it contends with the consequences of three major foodborne outbreaks this past year involving the pathogens

January 19, 2016

In a medical laboratory, when specimens from different patients are prepared for analysis on a 96-well collection plate, it is critical that there is absolutely no cross-contamination.

December 18, 2015

“Organizations like ARUP Laboratories help us keep our lights on and our doors open,” said Nathan Meason of Best

November 5, 2015

For a patient battling lung cancer, the discomforts and risks of undergoing repeated biopsies, surgeries, and radiologic scans can now be replaced by a far less invasive method.

October 1, 2015

It woke me up in the middle of the night. It left me gasping and sobbing. Screaming. Someone was sticking a knife in me and slowly turning it.

July 16, 2015

What started as a simple facility tour at Overstock.com in 2007 got the wheels of ingenuity turning among several ARUP’s engineers when they spotted Overstock’s packa

June 22, 2015

“ARUP is one of the most automated laboratories in the United States and the only one in the country to achieve Six Sigma quality for any pre-analytic metric,” assert

May 15, 2015

Whitney Wooderchak-Donahue, PhD, was one of six recipients worldwide to receive the grant award from Cure HHT, an international organization that supports HHT patients and their families.