You may have seen zebrafish in aquariums: small, striped, darting fish, originally found in slow streams and rice paddies in the Indian subcontinent.
There are many strep species, and fortunately, most are treatable with antibiotics. They exist as microscopic spheres and other unseen shapes on and below our own surfaces.
If a genetic disorder is found early in a young child, the person can be monitored and a healthy life may result.
Not all hearts need love (or roses) this Valentine’s Day. Some need blood.
Around the U.S., infants entered the world full of life. Those new babies received a heel prick to test their blood and metabolism for abnormalities. That routine is all about early detection.
The identification of skeletal dysplasia symptoms creates a great worry for expectant parents, especially when they learn that some skeletal dysplasias are not compatible with long-term survival.
Earning ISO accreditation is an institute-wide effort.
This past holiday season, ARUP employees (through payroll deductions) donated more than $47,000 to five selected ambassador charities.
ARUP Laboratories announced the appointment of Julio C. Delgado, MD, MS, as chief medical officer (CMO), director of laboratories, and co-chief of the Clinical Pathology Division.
A psychologist, Kay Redfield Jamison, PhD, addressed the issues of mental illness and well-being among medical students and doctors as suicide rates climb and burnout and depression interrupt careers.
Louise Aronson, MD, MFA, proposed that the focus in medicine needs to shift from a science-centered one to a care-centered one—a concept that has endured since the time of Hippocrates.
Stressing inclusivity, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian, told a healthcare audience that we can all be leaders and learn leadership qualities from past presidents.